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In groups, the students conduct a series of 2 experiments on the properties of materials, absorbency, elasticity, and warmth. The students also read an information text about plastics. They photograph the experiments using a digital camera and upload them into an e journal that is accessible to both the teacher and the rest of the class through a unique code.  Penzu classroom is one example that could be used for this purpose The students will also use Excel to create graphs of their results and upload these to their journal. The experiments in this resource have been adapted from Primary Connections: Material Matters, Year Four (Primary Connections, 2008).

The students, using the knowledge gained from these experiments will construct a sustainable shelter/ house that is suitable for a climate of their choosing for example living in the desert or snow. They will photograph the various stages of their construction and upload them into their e book for their construction manual.  

Differentiation includes dividing the students into small mixed ability groups, preferable no more than three students in a group. This provides stronger students with an opportunity to change, defend or reinforce their ideas during the experiments. It will give weaker students a chance to hear other students’ ideas and build on them (Loreman, 2011). Different role allocations within each group will also ensure that each member is contributing to the group and feels valued.  These roles should be rotated through the different experiments. Suggested roles could include Manager, director and speaker. At the end of each experiment there is an optional activity, this may be completed by students interested in further extension 

General capabilities and cross curricular priories
Numeracy, literacy, and creative thinking general capabilities are integrated throughout this resource. Numeracy is included in graphing and measuring the experiments. Literacy explicitly teaches the metalanguage specific to digital technology and science through word walls. The students also access information texts. Critical and creative thinking is needed to draw conclusions from the different experiments and using their imagination and innovation to design a house to meet specific needs.

The cross curricular priority, sustainability, is incorporated in this resource. Students are encouraged to use sustainable materials in their designs and include renewable energy such as solar and harvest rain and snow where appropriate in their house design. 



Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2016). General Capabilities. Retrieved 2/6/2016, from -


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2016). Technology. Retrieved 2/6/2016, from


Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2016). Cross-curricular Priorities: Sustainability’s . Retrieved 2/6/2016, from


Primary Connections. (2008). Material World stage 2: Natural and Processed material. Canberra ACT: Australian Academy of Science

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